graphic LCD



Ja posiadam lapa sony VAIO VGN-FE31H Processor: intel core 2 duo T 5500 Memory: 1GB DDR2 SDRAM (533MHz) HDD: 120GB Screen: 15.4" WXGA (1280 x 800) X-black LCD Optical: DVD+_RW/+_R Graphics: NVIDIA 7400 with TurboCache 256MB WLAN 802.11a/b/g :D :D :D :D

Hey everyone,

I also am considering the 1.83Ghz c2d Mac Mini. I will only be using this machine to run OSXBMC. has anyone had any problems running any 720p material on this model? i do not have any 1080p content as it would be overkill for my 720p 27 inch LCD TV.

I figure I will be using this TV for a long time and when the time comes that i upgrade my TV i can always find a processor and upgrade the mac mini myself, by that time it will be out of warranty and i wont mind cracking it open.

My only concern at this point is that I will purchase the 1.83Ghz and they will release the new one a month after with the better integrated graphics card... does anyone have problems in OSXBMC/720p material due to CPU or Video Card?

thanks for the input.

I've been watching 720p episodes of Battlestar Galactica on my 1.5Ghz Core Solo Mini with only occasional slow down, and when I say occasional I mean that 95% of the time I can get through an episode without any problems. And it only has 512mb of memory.


Otóż, pożyczyłem od siostry laptopa jakieś 2 tygodnie temu. Pewnego dnia a mianowicie dzisiaj, odpalilem laptopa, po włączeniu zasilacz zaczął pracowac z dziwnym dzwiękiem, jakby się przycinął nie wiem jak to powiedziec ale jakby " piszczał " Wyłączyłem laptopa włączyłem od nowa, piszczal i po 10 sekundach przestał. Może to mieć jakieś konsekfence? mam powód do nerwów? otóż to nie mój laptop jak mówiłem. Sprzęt to

Laptop - acer

Intel Celeron M processor 420 (1,6 GHZ, 533 Mhz fsb, 1MB l2 cache
14,1 :"WXGA wide TFT LCD
Mobile intel 940 GML Express chipset
60gb hdd
512 mb ddr2
Karta zintegrowana intel graphics media



has this type of display ever made its way through to you? Most probably not, because there is no driver in the LCD section...

Pollin is currently selling some graphical LCDs (121x62) based on this controller for 20 Euros, see here:

Is this still interesting? I wonder...

Best regards, ilmenator

okay, so here is the updated diagram for my MB...


1. I'm guessing with the bigger graphic display the power requirement is gonna increase, what would be the recommended wall adaptor for this config...

2. What should i be looking for controller/config wise for the graphic LCD? - i know the normal LCD used the HD44780 set...

3. With the bankstick on the MB64 core as you suggested, how would saving banks etc work-out if the LCD is connected to the MIDImon core? Is the LCD able to display info from multiple cores...?

I only really need the CC/Note assignment to the pots/buttons on the MB64 core to be set and left as I have a enviro in Logic to take care of the mapping. The MB16E core would run the LC f/w as stated, 8 of the encoders acting as the v-pots and the last one as the transport/scrubb dial. Buttons would just be assigned to LC functions...

Am I there yet...;)



I want to build a midibox, but not as the standard explained in the DIY projects. I want to have 24 knobs and 8 faders and a 16 track sequencer and ofcourse with a graphic LCD. Is this possible without modifing the original layout too much?

and are their people here who did the same?


l8tr  ;)

Hi Dan,

for the case that you want to try it with an external voltage source w/o the DC converter:

now supports

    lan option for the KS0108 driver which inverts the chip select pins
    lyour T6963C based GLCD
    lmore than 2 CLCDs (in fact the number of CLCDs which can be driven by one core is now only limited by the number of free pins)l

for your LCD you need to change
USER_Init LC_Init      ;; use a KS0108 compatible graphical LCD with inverted chip selects      movlw   0x01      movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1      movlw   0x01      call    MIOS_LCD_TypeSet

it would be great if you could check this with your HD61202 GLCD

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Solange ich die LCDs nicht genauer inspiziert habe, werden Dir die Angaben erstmal nicht viel weiterhelfen, und ich rate davon ab, bereits jetzt eines dieser (kompatiblen) Displays zu ersteigern, weil noch nicht klar ist, ob sie evtl. eine zweite Spannungsversorgung benoetigen.

-> LC7981 kompatibel
-> T6963c kompatibel
-> DMF6104NB-FW (controller noch unbekannt)

Es koennte auch durchaus moeglich sein, dass die neuen Driver der beiden oben genannten controller auch mit anderen zusammenspielen - vielleicht sogar mit jedem normal erhaeltlichen graphic LCD, aber darueber mache ich mir wirklich erst Gedanken, wenn die Displays vor mir liegen... bisher habe ich lediglich anhand der Datasheets ueberprueft, ob ein Anschluss an den PIC18F prinzipiell moeglich ist.


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