Black.Belt.2007.DVDRip (Kuro-Obi)
Set in the early years of the Showa Era in Japan, this story revolves around three men who aspire to receive the ‘Kuro-Obi’ that can go only to the rightful successor.
The year is 1932. Three men are zealously engaged in karate training at the dojo of Eiken Shibahara. Their names are Taikan, Choei and Giryu. Eiken suddenly dies, but the ‘Kuro-Obi’ black belt that will designate his successor has not yet been passed on.
“Karate is not about fighting.”
Who will be the one to heed Eiken’s words of wisdom and receive the coveted ‘Kuro-Obi’ to carry on as his successor?
In a related development, the Military Police Headquarters takes note of the exceptional skill of these martial art practitioners, and the three men are commanded to join their forces.
Then, the three that have left the dojo are thrust into a terrible encounter with fate …
The actors in these leading roles are all actual holders of karate Black Belt rank, and display this true masculine strength in a way that mere acting could not achieve. In the main cast, the role of Giryu is played by AKIHITO YAGI (Fifth Dan), instructor in International Meibukan Goju Ryu Karate. The role of Taikan is played by TATSUYA NAKA (Sixth Dan), instructor at the Japan Karate Association General Headquarters (Corp.), and Choei is played by YUJI SUZUKI, an actor who holds the rank of First Dan.
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