mto kiosk



Popatrzmy jak: "Marek" dnia: 31 lipca 2005 (19:30:55)
pisze na grupę:

| Bo ze katalizator moze kosztowac 2000zl a zawor EGR 1000
| to mnie powiedzmy nie zdziwi ... ale troche brakuje ..

Mto taka ciekawostka z renaulta :) tylnie tarcze hamulcowe do renaulta
Mmascott kosztuja 4200 za sztuke :PPPP a przednie 700 :) dziwna troche ta
Mrozbieznosc :P Generalnie nieraz ceny maja kosmiczne :P oryginalna oslona
Msilnika laguny 2 to tylko 1800zl za ta z tworzywa (tak tak kawalek tworzywa)
Ma metalowa cos kolo 2500 :PPPP Mnie juz zadne ceny renaultowe nie zdziwia

Ale tak jest w każdym aso.

Pytałem o elektroniczny zegarek do sieny. gówniane pudełeczko z
elektroniką zaawansowaną na poziomie zegarka z kiosku ruchu - 75 zeta

Tutaj to juz było wogóle jaja.
Jeden tłok do Scirocco - 1400 pln
kompletna półoś - 2500 pln

Teraz ostatnio pytałem o blaszkę (ziger??) przytrzymującą lewarek
skrzyni, blaszka wielkości 0,7 cm^2 i grubości niecałego mm - 5 zeta i
jeszcze trzeba czekać tydzień. Kupiłem blaszkę w sklepie rolniczym za
0,30 gr i też działa.

Alez ....
Gość portalu: polishcanadian napisał(a):

> odnawianie karty rejestracji samochodu w Ontario: poniewaz kazdy
> posiadacz auta musi to zrobic raz na rok, to nikomu nie zalezy
> na tym aby ten proces byl gladki i przyjemny, wiec kolejki i
> opryskliwosc urzedniczek przywodza na mysl najlepsze czasy PRL-u.

Alez uzyj zesz chlopie wspolczesnej techniki!
Nie musisz sterczec w zadnej kolejce i dac sie "opryskiwac" przez jakies tam

Rejestracje samochodu w Ontario mozna odnowic w automatycznym kiosku "Service
Ontario" (cos jak ATM, tylko do innego celu).

Tu sie dowiesz gdzie masz najblizszy:

dritte_dame napisała:

> Alez uzyj zesz chlopie wspolczesnej techniki!
> Nie musisz sterczec w zadnej kolejce i dac sie "opryskiwac"
przez jakies tam
> biurwy.
> Rejestracje samochodu w Ontario mozna odnowic w automatycznym
kiosku "Service

Droga damo:

Dzis mieszkam w Michigan i auto mam zarejestrowane w Michigan.
Mowie o tym co bylo kiedys, powiedzmy 10-12 lat temu. A poza
tym, "you're missing the point". Chodzi mi o to, jak
funkcjonuje system gdzie rzad decyduje o wszystkim.

Tak na marginesie, to nie jestem chlopem; moj dziadek byl, ale
ja nie jestem. A jakiego rodzaju dama pani jest. Bo moj tato
dzielil damy na 3 kategorie: damy, nie damy, nie kazdemu damy.
Wiec ktora z tych?

pozdrowionka i spokojnoj noczi
> Ontario" (cos jak ATM, tylko do innego celu).
> Tu sie dowiesz gdzie masz najblizszy:

Do ministry Środy
Brawo pani ministro! Mam wielką nadzieję, że pani jakże bojowe włączenie się do walki o godność tysięcy brutalnie poniżonych takim sformułowaniem zadania maturzystek zaowocuje dalekosiężnymi skutkami. Rodzaje w polszczyźnie to sanacyjny i zaplutokarłowatoreakcyjny przeżytek!
Rozumiem również, że jest to tylko początek batalii przeciw wszelkiej dyskryminacji. Przecież pisząc "do kolegi", a nawet "do koleżanki" perfidnie pomija się i doprowadza do marginalizacji członków innych grup społeczno/zawodowo/światopoglądowych. Jakże fałszywie sugeruje się młodemu naiwnemu człowiekowi, że listy można pisać jedynie do kolegów, natomiast np. wujka czy ciocię, panią z kiosku, czy pieska sąsiadów można ignorować.
Wobec tych oczywistych nadużyć trzeba zastanowić się nad sensem organizowania egzaminów maturalnych, a może i nad sensem najpierw zapisywania, a w końcu i wypowiadania jakichkolwiek słów. Przecież używając jednego słowa w szowinistycznym zapale krzywdzimy setki, tysiące innych słów. I gdzie tu tolerancja i poprawność polityczna?

Z poważaniem,

Cichy Wielbiciel

Arabskie gieroje ,...
Bereaved family refuses Jihad apology

The family of Jamil Qa'adan who was killed in Hadera bombing last month says
apology by Islamic Jihad is not accepted
Roee Nahmias

The Qa’adan family whose son Jamil was killed in the Hadera suicide bombing
last month is struggling to cope with the grief. The death of Jamil, a 48 years-
old Hebrew teacher, was the third tragedy in a row for his family from the
Israeli-Arab town of Baqa al-Gharbiya. His father passed away two weeks ago,
and his younger brother Ziad died on the operating table during a heart surgery
about a month ago.

Qa'adan arrived in Hadera after he finished work in Haifa, and was on his way
to a local Bank branch near the market when the blast occurred.

A recent apology from Islamic Jihad for the death of Jamil did little to
assuage the Qa’adans. Jamil’s brother Abdelrasek told Ynet

that the family refuses to accept the apology. Jamil, says Abdelrasek, was the
family’s supporting pillar and no apology will bring him back.

“We don’t accept Islamic Jihad’s apology. What’s the point in apologizing when
you kill my brother? Declerations like these do not comfort us. Jamil was the
central pillar of the family and with his death the family collapsed. If my
brother’s death would have brought forward the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state I would have sacrificed myself for this purpose. Yet do
apologies bring Jamil back?” said Abdelrasek.

Abdelrasek continued that his brother earned a decent living from his own hard
work and decided to serve his people. “His Jihad was in his work as a teacher
in the Arab sector. I still can’t believe he is not alive. My brother is a
shahid (martyr) of education and culture and we call on everyone
saying: ‘enough blood spilling’,” he said.

He added that there is no escape from dialogue for reaching fair peace between
Israel and the Palestinians. “Enough to bereaved families, enough to widows and
orphans,” he said, hoping his brother’s death would be the last in the ongoing

Abdelrasek thanked all those who visited and supported the family including
officials from the Education Ministry and Israeli Arab Members of Knesset.

Five Israelis were killed and 20 others were injured when Hassan abu-Zayed, a
20-year-old Islamic Jihad activist from West Bank town of Kabatiya, near Jenin,
blew up himself outside a falafel kiosk in the Hadera market.

arab niechce znac araba :)))))
Bereaved family refuses Jihad apology

The family of Jamil Qa'adan who was killed in Hadera bombing last month says
apology by Islamic Jihad is not accepted
Roee Nahmias

The Qa’adan family whose son Jamil was killed in the Hadera suicide bombing
last month is struggling to cope with the grief. The death of Jamil, a 48
years-old Hebrew teacher, was the third tragedy in a row for his family from
the Israeli-Arab town of Baqa al-Gharbiya. His father passed away two weeks
ago, and his younger brother Ziad died on the operating table during a heart
surgery about a month ago.

Qa'adan arrived in Hadera after he finished work in Haifa, and was on his way
to a local Bank branch near the market when the blast occurred.

A recent apology from Islamic Jihad for the death of Jamil did little to
assuage the Qa’adans. Jamil’s brother Abdelrasek told Ynet

that the family refuses to accept the apology. Jamil, says Abdelrasek, was
the family’s supporting pillar and no apology will bring him back.

“We don’t accept Islamic Jihad’s apology. What’s the point in apologizing
when you kill my brother? Declerations like these do not comfort us. Jamil
was the central pillar of the family and with his death the family collapsed.
If my brother’s death would have brought forward the establishment of an
independent Palestinian state I would have sacrificed myself for this
purpose. Yet do apologies bring Jamil back?” said Abdelrasek.

Abdelrasek continued that his brother earned a decent living from his own
hard work and decided to serve his people. “His Jihad was in his work as a
teacher in the Arab sector. I still can’t believe he is not alive. My brother
is a shahid (martyr) of education and culture and we call on everyone
saying: ‘enough blood spilling’,” he said.

He added that there is no escape from dialogue for reaching fair peace
between Israel and the Palestinians. “Enough to bereaved families, enough to
widows and orphans,” he said, hoping his brother’s death would be the last in
the ongoing conflict.

Abdelrasek thanked all those who visited and supported the family including
officials from the Education Ministry and Israeli Arab Members of Knesset.

Five Israelis were killed and 20 others were injured when Hassan abu-Zayed, a
20-year-old Islamic Jihad activist from West Bank town of Kabatiya, near
Jenin, blew up himself outside a falafel kiosk in the Hadera market.,7340,L-3164405,00.html

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