market Public Relations



First, please know this is NOT a complaint. I'm aware of the incredible amount of data which flows to/through DMOZ, and appreciate what the staff there does. But I need help because I've "done all the right things" to get my site Description line changed (the one that's picked up by Google) and it still hasn't changed. Right now my site's description includes a service I haven't provided for at least six years, "mature market public relations." My business, today, is 100% "crisis management and training." I've submitted requests for change to DMOZ three times over the past two years, using the appropriate form at the DMOZ site, but to no avail. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help y'all might provide. The site is

Some remarks about plans of developing an office project in Katowice by Echo Investment S.A. are made from time to time on the real estate market. The company is mentioned together with Hines, Skanska and TriGranit as the investor which is interested in developing in Katowice. The localization was pointing out the junction of Francuska St. and the “A4” highway but certain details were not disclosed yet.

Until now, the project was subtly mistified. This is what Wojciech Gepner, the Public Relations Manager at Echo, unmasked about the investment. – The construction works of the office project on Francuska St. are planned to commence at the end of 2010 and will take two years. At present, we run works for a construction project which enables to procure a building permit and a road network settlement around the building. The project offers a total area of 24 600 sq. m of which 14 500 sq. m will be leaseable. The building will be equipped with a high standard security solution including a monitoring system and an access control. A design of the project is preparing in cooperation of two architectural studios, DDJM and AiR Jurkowscy – Architekci. The final architectural design will be known in a few months. – Wojciech Gepner finished.

i ze ssc wrzucone przez piotrekb

Dzieki za porady:) odnośnie TV bbyłaby napewno to telewizja lokalna, być może urywek gdzieś tam w publicznej, może polsat:) t owsyzstko jest do dogrania:) co do zamknięcia ulic większych problemów nie powinno być, tylko też to trochę kosztuje, cała dokumentacja, podania bla bla bla. Oczywiście całe zawody byłyby nagłośnione odpowiednio wcześniej w mediach lokalnych,plakaty, ulotki itp itd, jeśli sponsorem by był jeden z supermarketów, a co do tego są spore szanse, market ten daje nam reklamę na swoich billboardach, autobusie, w gazetkah reklamowych oraz w radiu:)wiec naglośnienie medialne będzie dobrze i gruntownie zrobione, nie po to studiuje już 3 lata dziennikarstwo, reklame i public relations;) Zawody to kryterium uliczne, z okazji 80-lecia Klubu, wszystkei sekcje przygotowuea jakies zawody, wiec bedzie ciekawie:)hehe;)jakby ktoś wiedział to jakich firm działających w calym kraju uderzyc prosze o kontakt;)

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